27 May Hi, I am Darinka, I am holistic therapist for people….
A lot of things were happening in a past couple of months in my life. Some of them nice, some of them quite unexpected, some of them extraordinary. But all of them life changing.
Because my life is changing and so will you with me. From now on. And I want to share that with you.
With my friends and colleagues, neighbours and family who were seeking me, my advice and my perspective, because you trusted me and felt safe with me.
Those who only wanted information about the services I provide.
Those who gave one of my services as a present to your loved ones.
Those who were coming to me regularly for years. Those that came only once in a while. Or once and never again.
Those who were silent, who cried, talked about your lives. Or didn’t. Those who always asked “is it over already?” or those who couldn’t wait it to end.
Those who took “only” massage but were given much more.
All of you….
You all are the reason I am who I am. Today. And you are the reason I am changing today.
Massage and aromatherapy are not just job for me. I love them both and that is why I started doing it long time ago. Something deep inside of me whispered: this is just a beginning, there is a travel in front of you. On that travel you will find a reason why are you here. Open your heart, learn, listen to your intuition. Walk the path that scares you the most, because on that path you will grow the most.
The path I walked until today seems easier. I know every twist and turn. But the other one, the one my intuition is telling me to walk along is not. It is unknown to me and I am scared.
I have but two choices: to walk the same safe path and stagnate or come along the scary one and prosper. Where ever I look, I see you, my clients. And you could either stagnate or prosper with me as well.
But I choose to prosper and I hope you will too.
I know that some of you won’t be my clients any more. But, I am sure that some of you will continue to come. Whatever is your choice I respect it. Knowing you respect mine too.
Come along and travel with me if you feel the change is around the corner for you too. If you feel unworthy, scared, tired of life…. Call me, make your appointment, choose your package and take the reins of your life in your own hands. Enjoy your life because you deserve it.
I have been there, I know how it feels. It doesn’t have to be that way. I know how to get over it, start anew and use your inner potentials and be content. You will feel as you never felt before in your life.
Hi, I am Darinka, I am a holistic therapist for people who wants to feel worthy, strong and enough for themselves and for the others.
Foto by Pixabay