19 Jan Private parts
Some of you might wander what came over me and why I am talking about private parts.
But you might be happy that I did after you read full article.
Actually, I am sure you will be happy you did.
Ladies, (and gentlemen too, but this post is for ladies), please consider this: our vulva, vagina, pussy, yoni, however you decide to call it has its own ways to keep her clean.
So, whenever you use some of those soaps, shower gels, or whatever means there are available and you have it in your bathroom, and use it profusely to wash yourself, you are disrupting natural balance you already posses. And trust me, you don’t “smell” as all those commercials are trying to make you believe just so you buy their product.
I became aromatherapist more then 15 years ago. Ever since that day I stopped using deodorant and I stopped using all those cleaning agents but plain soaps. I also stopped taking a shower everyday and instead, started to take a shower only after breaking into a sweat. Not only that, but when under the shower, I use soap only for my feet, neck, armpits and when I am washing my self over with clean water, I part my legs and let water go over my genital parts gently rubbing myself all over my outer and inner labias until all soap is rinsed (never forgetting my anus). All the time I am thinking how much I appreciate and love all parts of my body.
From time to time, I do a sitting bath using some of the essential oils (please do check out my masterclass: Using essential oils at home and My home apotheka or simply send me an Email with your question to info@masazatijela.com).
Also from time to time, I rub some cold pressed coconut oil or macerated hypericum oil just because it feels good.
I can see you looking at me (my words actually) with disbelief. Yes, I am doing this and I am doing it 15 years. I never had genital problems/issues before and I am not having it now, but I am challenging you to try this for a month and to let me know about the results. Having genital problems or not (god forbid having some serious problem), just try it and see the difference.
So many women I know have different problems with their genital parts. All sorts of infections, candida, vaginitis, cystitis, polycystic ovaries, menstrual problems, fibroids… you name it. What came as a shock to me, most of them are younger then me and most of them developed their problems in younger age. And almost all of them are having those problems all the time because no matter the pills they were prescribed, their problems remain. Think about it.
Do I need to mention all sorts of socially, religiously and historically conditioned opinions about some parts of our bodies and history of sexual abuse?
Please, ladies, be gentle and tender with your yoni. Be careful what you use on her.
And if after a month of taking a shower without excessively using even a plain soap your problems and overall feeling about your yoni remain the same, simply go back to your old habits.
Also, please note that I am not giving any medical advice to any one of you, also I am not diagnosing any one of you or telling you to stop taking any pills you usually do.
blogpost by Darinka
foto by sasint