29 May Who am I….
Hi, I am Darinka, I am a holistic therapist for people who wants to feel worthy, strong and enough for themselves and for the others.
I work with my heart and my soul with one purpose: To help people to change their lives now.
I work with people who really want to change their lives, are ready to step out of their comfort zone, free themselves of mental concepts and usual patterns in behaviour so you can grab your life in your hands and start living your life with purpose.
Why do you need holistic therapist?
Have you ever felt abandoned? Without knowing from who, why, how to get back and feel like you belong again? Have there ever been a person who walked out from the relationship you had never telling you the reason why? You ever feel you can’t get anything right? No matter how much effort you put in something, there is always someone to criticise you and what you have done? And ask again and again for more?
Nothing you do is good or good enough? Even for you.
I will help you to get rid of that useless feeling being and feeling abandoned and weak.
Why would you trust me?
Because I know all those dark corners, shortcuts, long paths. And all the beasts who live there! I have been there. My experience is enough. I am enough. I am going to teach you to forever be enough and to feel like you are enough. For yourself and for the others.
Because trust is everything!
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